Commercial trade credit insurance, contestation of bankruptcies, warranty bonds and much more: The offering of policies in order to financially protect companies is enormous. Fortunately – because then, generally speaking, one can find exactly the product which fulfils the requirements.
As your guide, a credit insurance broker will navigate you reliably through the multitude of generalised and specialised providers with their individual products. He will help to define individual risks and to find the most suitable policy. And because a credit insurance broker knows all the policies and is constantly in contact with their providers, he can comprehensively and independently advise your company.
With a credit insurance broker for support, companies are not only well-protected, but rather also well-informed and supported over the long-term. And they can concentrate on what is most important to them: Their core business.
The services offered by a credit insurance broker encompass:
Provider-neutral information and consulting
A credit insurance broker advises in a provider-neutral manner. He creates an overview of the insurance market and his products, discusses the individual risks with his customers and obtains offers.
Assistence with the contractual agreement and application for a limit
A credit insurance broker provides support during the conclusion of the contractual agreement, discusses all details, names the insuree’s obligations and provides assistance during the application for limits.
Precautionary measures and damage support
Even after the conclusion of the contractual agreement, a credit insurance broker also maintains contact, provides information about existing and new risks, examines existing agreements and supports the insuree when making claim notifications.
A credit insurance broker will guide you through the enormous range of insurance policies. BARDO supports fair and transparent performance-based competition. Worldwide.
The credit insurance brokers organised in BARDO also work on a collective goal: We use our voice in order to exert influence on the providers on behalf of the credit insurees. Upon a regular basis, we exchange ideas at eye level with the insurers so that modern and solid products can constantly be developed (or continue to be developed) for active claims management.
At the same time, we actively work on the definition and obligation for uniform, high quality and training standards which affect our own work.
Incidentally: The service of a credit insurance broker is free-of-charge for companies. We finance ourselves exclusively via commissions.
We are the hinge between the insurer and companies.